farewells and new beginnings

It is here.  The end of another school year and I can hardly believe it is nearly over.  It has gone by so quickly.  Not long ago Kathryn Ross and I were seated at the large wooden table upstairs, enjoying a lunch together when she said to me, “As teachers we get very used to saying good-bye”.

It gave me pause.

She was right of course.

Each year I fall in love with the unique beauty inherent in each and every child.  Each year they inspire me and astound me and teach me.  And each year closes with a quiet, understated farewell. Some children will return again next year while others will spread their wings and soar into new hearts and horizons.  It is bitter sweet and exactly as it should be.  My parting hope is that every single child who passes through our care and hearts will flower and bloom into the fullness of who they are.

And to all the families who have entrusted their children into our care… THANK YOU.


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