May Toddler Newsletter
We are down to the last few weeks of school! It is hard to believe another school year is almost completed. We really enjoyed spending time with each of you during parent/teacher conferences last month. It is so helpful to hear from all of you about what changes you are seeing in your children at home. We really appreciate the time to share information with you about what is happening at school.
The Art Show was phenomenal, so thank you all for coming and seeing your children’s art! The toddlers love to collaborate and explore. It is more about process than product at this age and so therefore we love to let them enjoy getting messy through art. As they grow and develop so will their interest in making art.
We will start doing more outdoor time and open our doors to have an outside environment as an extension of our classroom. The children LOVE this!! Please remember to put sunscreen on your children. We will also be doing a lot of water play and plant watering so please dress you children in clothing that is suitable for getting wet and getting messy!
Thank you to all of you that contributed to Earth Day! The Toddler yard looks amazing, as does the rest of the school!
Since the beginning of May we have started to walk with the toddlers on Fridays around the block. If the weather is good we will continue to do so. We are getting the children used to the idea of walking in a line and holding hands, this is also great gross motor for them. We love parent volunteers so please let us know if you are interested in coming along with us.
On the last day of school, June 5, we plan on having a WATER DAY! This means that we will spend the morning and afternoon, weather permitting, completely outside with sprinklers on and popsicles! Please send your child with a towel, bathing suit and water appropriate shoes. Parents are more than welcome to join us on this day as well!
May 24: Parent Appreciation 10:15- 11:15 AM Classes; 1:30-2:30 PM classes
May 27: NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
June 5: 5:00-7:00 ALL SCHOOL PICNIC
CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: During the month of May we will continue our study of insects and will be talking about spring, planting, seeds and gardening. We will also have a flower arranging activity out in the classroom every day. Please send flowers along with your snack so that we can do this. We also are doing many different food preparation activities such as pickle slicing, banana cutting and trail mix making.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Spring and Summer Babies!
Jaylen J. 5/16, Cooper M. 7/27, Zeger M. 7/13, Addie W. 7/4, Faith W. 7/1
THANK YOU: Julian F. for the Easter baskets, Owen B. for the clay, and Jaylen J. for the cookies!
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