440 Classroom May Newsletter

It was great to meet with each of you during conferences last week!  It is always such a pleasure to spend time sharing information with you about what your child is doing at school, and getting to hear from you the changes you’ve seen in your child throughout the school year.

  Vida, Melody and Kristen – 440 Classroom Teachers  

It is hard to believe that we are now in our final month of school for this year!

We will miss all of you who are moving on to new schools, and look forward to working with many of you again next year.

Our study of Spring in now in full swing! We have small seedlings growing in our classroom – corn, watermelon, sunflower seeds and carrots that each of the children have helped to plant.

We also have painted lady caterpillars that we’ve been watching as they grow bigger and bigger each day.  A few of them have already formed their chrysalis, and we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the butterflies in about 10 days.   They children have been eagerly checking on the progress of these amazing creatures each day when they come to school.  Many of the children continue to be interested in documenting the life cycle of a butterfly as a result.

The new science experiments have been a huge hit.  More and more children are enjoying the wonders of science as they explore them through these creative experiments designed by Bekke and Vida.

We’ve also put out more challenging Practical Life activities for the end of the year, in order to reengage some of the older children, and to ensure continued interest in others.


Art activities continue to be a favorite, as do the activities that involve feeding the birds and squirrels.

The children have also been enjoying the time to work outside.  The weather has been very cooperative, and we’ve been able to open our outdoor environment a few days each week.


Happy Birthday

Janie M.                                                              June 1


Thank You

Thank you to Audrey W., Chris K., Gretchen K., and Alison F. for reading to the children.

Thank you to Finnur M. for the hand soap.  Thank you to Ryan O. for the tea and the sugar cubes.  Thank you to Elizabeth K. and Nevi L. for the Painted Lady caterpillars.  Thank you to Elizabeth K. for the salt, bananas and oranges.




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