fresh versus dried
You may remember a recent post in which the children were seen tasting a variety of foods and exploring sour, sweet, salty, etc. Well, during that tasting, several children were shocked to discover the origins of a raisin…A GRAPE…impossible.
A couple of our oldest children suggested that we investigate the difference between fresh and dried foods. So we began the week with this inquiry and the children documented their findings, this time with pen on paper.
They loved it and once again finished the day requesting MORE. At this point I don’t know how to continue this exploration in the studio, it seems as if some provocations begin in the studio and can naturally evolve there while others begin in the studio and are best followed in the classrooms or vice versa. I am continually contemplating how to continue to follow the children’s interests and when to hand those interests back to the care of their classroom teachers. It is a work in progress to be certain.
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