Garden Journal

I begin this blog on the morning of one of Denver’s coldest days, so cold, in fact, that we aren’t letting the children play outside.  Toddlers trundle straight from the gate to the classroom, walking stiff-legged in their snowsuits and boots.  If this weather holds for too many days, the noise-level inside the school will rise and teachers will end their days  a bit more tired than usual.

We see this particular blog, maintained by three of us who are not tied to a classroom, as a sort of a journal of Children’s Garden Montessori School.  In spite of the snow and single-digit temperatures, we see it as somewhat like the journal of the growing season that a gardener might keep.  So I begin in the snow, taking a picture of the birdhouse that hangs outside on the playground from a snow-covered  locust tree, and the inside bird mobile which hangs in the lobby.  This blog, Garden Journal, will be maintained by Head of School Kathryn Ross, Director of Admissions Jamie Boes, and Administrative Assistant Catherine Ramey.  None of us makes a classroom our school home, but instead are able to peek into each of the classsrooms at various times.  Our perspectives are broad.  We invite you to come back often to see what is happening inside and out, cold or warm.

Kathryn Ross, Head of School







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